A squabble between child number 4 and child number 5 resulted in child 4 falling (or was he pushed?) off a chair and getting a black eye. I decided to leave the house anyway. I got about 2 miles from home and realised that I hadn't got my Garmin with me. This wouldn't have been an insurmountable problem if I had been wearing a watch, but I wasn't, so I turned back and went home to get my watch.
I wasn't stressed, I still had plenty of time. I got further this time. And then I hit black ice. I tried to turn left and the car slid across the road. I braced myself for an impact as the car slid, sideways, into the verge. I was driving a Volvo so there was no harm done to the car! A wee bit further on I had to divert around a road closure (a fallen tree was being demolished), yet still I was determined to get to Bramley for the 10.30am start!

So, we were off. The weather was fabulous, blue skies (if you can remember what they look like) and lovely and warm. A bit too warm really. I was wearing a long sleeved top under a t-shirt and the long sleeved top had to go. It is quite a faff to remove one top from under the other while running, but I managed it! It was all going quite well at this point, and at about 4.5 miles I caught up with some friends I know via Basingstoke parkrun and ran with them for a few miles. At 5 miles everything started to hurt. Or rather, everything down the right hand side of my body started to hurt. I think the adrenaline from the near miss in the car and the aggro of getting to the start had worn off and the earlier impact was taking its toll. I told my friends to run on, and said that I was going to stop at 10 miles. I meant it. I limped past friends from parkrun and Fetcheveryone who were there supporting the runners, assuring them all that I would stop at 10 miles. I still meant it. I'd forgotten that the course seems to be almost totally uphill, apart from a nice little downhill to the finish. I really couldn't face running the second lap.

I was about to head home when I head someone call "Hello Fetchie" (I was wearing my Fetch hoodie) and turned to find myself being invited back to a strangers' house for 'Tea, cake, chilli...' Now, much as I would advise my children not to go home with people they have met on the internet, I have never been much for following my own advise, and was reassured when I heard that mutual friends were already there. Tea, cake and a bit of chat in a very comfy chair followed. Thank you to 'Ironmum' for making me feel so welcome - it might even make the prospect of running this race again a bit more inviting.
I staggered back to the car, turned the heated seat on, and drove home without incident. It took me a while to get out of the car when I got home, and even longer to get up the stairs to the shower, where I discovered that yet another pair of running tights have started to chafe. I am going to have to have a clear out of worn out running kit if I want any skin left on my back!
So, not a great day, but beautiful weather and a time (3:25:55) I can aim to better if I ever run another 20 mile race!