The answer to that question is quite simple. Run a race organised by the amazing team at tzruns! Brilliant pre race organisation which featured, but was not limited to, informative emails, choice of running number and booking of good weather, was complimented by an excellent venue, the friendliest and most welcoming volunteers at the start.
I pitched up at the start to collect my race number and set up my personal drinks station. I don't really know why I felt that I needed to do this as the food stations at tzruns events are excellent. I didn't eat any of my bananas and only had a few sips of (warm) Lucozade, but it does make one feel a little bit like an elite athlete to have a bottle with your name and number on it. After getting that sorted, pinning my number to my vest and going to the loo (twice) I passed some time chatting with friends. Every race I go to seems to add a few more friends to my circle. When I think back to my first race in 2010 where I knew no one I can't help but wonder why I ever went back for another race. I turned up, ran and went home. Now I seem to know so many people that it is a bit like going to a party! I am, however, useless with names - so if I forgot anyone's name today, or looked a bit blank, just put it down to my aged brain not being able to cope with the sheer number of names I have to learn at work every year!
At the start I felt fantastic. I hadn't got any firm goals for the day when I arrived, I was just going to see how it went. The first few laps (of the 17) were great. I was ahead of where I needed to be to get a PB, well ahead. I was smiling, confident and enjoying being back at the Cyclopark. I was eating up the laps, and really feeling for once as though I was born to run. At 13 miles I was still motoring. It did briefly cross my mind that I had gone off too quickly - but I still felt good, my legs felt fresh.

I walked for a bit. It was incredibly hard to walk when the rest of me felt so fresh and eager to run. I had a wee bit of a dip emotionally at this point, so gave myself a talking to. I was kissing goodbye to a PB, so did it really matter now how long I took? I realised that I could now approach this with a different mindset. I could now chat to friends, pause and hug people and generally have fun. And I did have fun. When I managed to run my pace was still fast (for me!) I still hated walking, but I soon realised that the heat had got to loads of people and there were many more walkers than runners in the final few laps.

I finished in 4hrs 48 minutes. My slowest marathon ever but I still feel really positive about the whole day. The first half of the marathon went so much better than I had hoped. I ran with some great friends, the volunteers were supportive and enthusiastic, the organisation was faultless, the supporters were vocal and the bling is AMAZING! I have no hesitation about signing up to run this again next year - in fact I am stalking the tzruns website so that I can sign up as soon as possible. It is a real 'runners' marathon' - the support and camaraderie from all the runners, from the front runners to us slow coaches at the back is second to none, it shows the running community at its very best!