Due to a certain music festival and my belated decision not to camp, getting a hotel room was neither easy nor cheap. We ended up in a Travelodge near Yeovil so our race day planning had to factor in the 30 minute drive back to Sydling St Nicholas. Arriving in the village we parked the car and made our way to the start area where I bumped into a friend I haven't seen for over a year and several other running friends, including the wonderful lady acting as sweeper for the day - she had a witch's broom with her.
After the safely briefing, during which we were reminded that this is a tough race but that it was a running event and that it was possible to walk the event before the cut off time, there was a brief interlude where a marriage proposal was made and accepted - in fancy dress naturally!

The aid stations were either totally bereft of runners, in which case it would have been churlish to just grab and run rather than chatting with the lovely volunteers, or totally crowded with hungry runners, so a prolonged stop was in order to queue up, have a moan and/or a laugh about the insanity of what we were doing. Either way, there were a fantastic boost both in terms of nutrition and morale.
(* We also had signs telling us to 'Hurry up FFS,' 'Don't sweat on the flora and fauna,' and 'Run faster you fools!')
At the ante-penultimate aid station I bumped into a lovely friend I made while on a Chemistry course at the University of Southampton. We ran together to just beyond the penultimate aid station - we actually ran the whole way with out having to walk up a hill or slow down for a killer downhill section! We can't have been running terribly fast as we were chatting 19 to the dozen but it was probably my favourite section of the race. We parted company soon after that and I pootled along on my own, chatting with other people as we walked/ran/hobbled and cursed! The social side of this race made it just about bearable. I had a lovely chat with an agnostic RE teacher from Taunton, caught up with a member of the 100 marathon club I'd run with at the National 50/100k championships and Kent Roadrunner amongst other conversations with people who I'd never met before!
At 24 miles came this:
Each of those bits of stone is about 4-5" in diameter - they made up the path for at least a fifth of a mile. Avoiding them would have involved battling through thistles that came up to my head - so I did what everyone else seemed to be doing - walking gingerly across this treacherous surface. People complain about cobbles in Paris…. this was a whole different league, tired legs found it hard to walk on them, let alone run.
At 26.02 miles (by my Garmin which I know isn't the most accurate way of measuring distance) came the final aid station. 'How much further?' I asked, while stuffing my face with watermelon. "3/4 of a mile all downhill," I was told. I took this with a pinch of salt and although there was only a tiny hill left there was another mile to run.

After the race it was a mad dash back home as I had a party to go to in the evening. I hadn't realised quite how far away we were going to be when I said that I'd be back in time. We had a brief stop on en route as the idea of chips was all consuming and we talked ourselves into a sneaky McDonalds that no one need ever know about and I arrived home with half an hour to spare before leaving for the party.
I made it - just! If ever there is a time to be grateful for not wearing make up it is in this sort of time pressured situation. A shower, thrown on a dress, put on high heels and I was good to go. An evening of food, drink, bumper cars, carousels and THREE HOURS of dancing in high heels followed. I felt sure that all this dancing would mean that my muscles would be nicely loosened up and pain free this morning. I was wrong. Very wrong. I may be able to walk normally again one day, but I'm not holding my breath!
All in all, an excellent day, but not one I have any desire to repeat. I am glad to be able to say I completed the marathon but I will not be back again next year. If you like trails then give it a go but don't expect a fast time! Last year there were only 9 runners who finished in a faster time than my PB - and I am not a fast runner.