I dragged a friend along to share the joy with me. We arrived in plenty of time, parked, looked at the weather and pondered our sanity. But we were there and seemingly nothing better to do than run 10 hilly and muddy kilometres before lunch time! This was the first Chilly Hilly race, and it was organised by a good running friend of mine who had assured me that the Rubix in the race title did not mean we had to complete a Krypton Factor style challenge before we were allowed to cross the finish line, it referred to one of the sponsors of the race.
About 250 runners assembled at the start and were soon under starters orders. In my memory, the start was a gentle downhill, but in actuality it was a slight upwards slope that very quickly became a fairly vertiginous climb. Running the route in the dark had the benefit of one not being able to see just how much uphill there still was ahead, today the hills seemed to go on and on. The 'paths' were challenging too. So much thick, squelch, sucking mud that tried to pull shoes off with every step! The downhill sections were no easy option either - one misplaced foot could spell disaster, or at the very least a bruised bum and a loss of dignity. I kept repeating to myself that the first half was tougher than the second!
The chilli, provided by RKdia Catering, was excellent. Just what was required on a cold wet day! As was the plentiful tea from All About Tea. We stood around and chatted with friends while we waited for the raffle to be drawn. We didn't win, but that really didn't matter. We'd had a lovely morning, running in a wonderful country park, in awful weather, and getting a fabulous medal too! I will definitely be signing up again next year! Well done to everyone involved and thank you!
Now there is just the matter of getting rid of all that mud!