These were stunning too! I like browsing around the Grand Pavilion as you can actually get to see the flowers in there. The show gardens are beautiful but, even on members' day, it is hard to get to see them, and once you have elbowed your way to the front you tend to only see a snippet, not being able to step back and see the garden in its entirety as the designer intended. In some ways it is better to see the show gardens on the TV coverage. One can't do the show justice either way really, but a combination of being there and TV works well for me. Being there gives ample opportunity for retail therapy too.....
Talking of beautiful things - two lovely ladies hiding their lights under glasses of pink champagne! And one of those ladies trying to hide herself by pretending to be a cushion!

The observant amongst you will remember that my youngest had a birthday today! She is now four years old. She had a great day with cupcakes, presents, birthday cake, presents, presents and more presents! She has her own baby now, and a buggy for the baby too.

The observant amongst you will remember that my youngest had a birthday today! She is now four years old. She had a great day with cupcakes, presents, birthday cake, presents, presents and more presents! She has her own baby now, and a buggy for the baby too.
As this is supposed to be a blog about running, I should also mention that I went out running with Stephen again. We ran the same route as yesterday, but he managed to run the whole 4.33 miles and I knocked 2 minutes of yesterday's time to run it in 36 minutes, so about 8min 14secs a mile. Apparently I run at the same pace whether I am running up hill, on the flat or down hill, appart from on the 'home stretch' where I subconciously pick up the pace - I wasn't aware of this! I also twist my upper body too much as I run still, so more work on those pesky abs is needed. Good to have some feedback on what I am doing other than just times, and it won't be long before Stephen is back up to speed and leaving me for standing. Hopefully running with him from time to time will spur me on to run faster. I am enjoying this brief spell of being the faster, fitter runner!
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