Up even earlier than yesterday to return to Preston Park for the start of the 10k. The traffic was heavier than yesterday, due to road closures and the whole world seemingly trying to get to the start line. Thankfully I wasn't driving today, four of us were travelling together and one of our number knows Brighton well. He wasn't phased by the diversions and got us to the parking he had arranged safely. We grabbed a coffee and used the loos in a nearby Starbucks, probably lingering a bit too long there as we then had to route march to the park.
We arrived just 15 minutes before the start, then had to run through the thronging marathon runners across the park to the bag drop, then back across the park to the 10k start. By this point Husbando and I had become separated from our friends, so headed on into the red starting pen. There were just two pens, one for those anticipating finishing in 60 mins or under and another for those who were going to take longer. We were late joining the pen - just a minute before the start time, so were pretty close to the back of the pen 'up to 60 minutes' pen. The race was started by Paul Sinton-Hewitt CBE (founder of parkrun and all round good egg), who was still on the starting line waving and greeting runners as we passed the start.
I ran with Husbando for the first mile. His natural pace is much faster than mine and, even when he is slowing down to run with me, it is a bit faster than I feel comfortable with at the moment. We spent the first mile overtaking people, loads of people. There were so many people wearing headphones - blissfully unaware of the runners around them - making it really hard for people to overtake them. I don't know why people run races with headphones in. I train with music (or an audio book) but part of the buzz of a race is soaking up the atmosphere, listening to the bands, striking up conversations with strangers etc. Anyway, each to their own I suppose. After the first mile Husbando went on at his own pace while I settled in to 'just get round.' It is a long time since I ran a 10k or a road race, and after a winter of ill health I had no idea what to expect. I'd set myself a goal of 54 minutes - which required me to run just under 9min/mile pace I was running faster than that, I ran the first 5k faster than I have run any parkrun this year (despite a short, sharp hill at about 3.5k in).

Then it was back outside to try to spot my daughter. The whole reason we were in Brighton was to see her and cheer her on. We missed her at the first place we wanted to see her (a glitch in the tracking app meant we were off with time) so we headed to the 25 mile marker and spent an hour and a bit shouting at random strangers, and a few familiar faces, before we saw her coming around the corner. She looked amazing, and a bit cross! 'Where the f*cking f*ck were you?' was her greeting before she powered off towards the finish line! She finished in just over 5hrs. I am incredibly proud of her! She ran for Mind and has raised over £1000 for them already. I won't say too much about her race - mainly because she is off drinking with her friends now, and it is her race to talk about if she wishes, but if you want to donate to Mind you can donate by going to her Just Giving page.
All in all, this was a great event. If I wasn't already booked on 14th April next year I would be signing up for the marathon. The atmosphere was excellent and the organisation was good. What's not to like?
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