It has been another busy week here. I'm not entirely sure if much has been achieved but I don't feel as though I have sat down for long!
I didn't run on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as there just were not enough hours in the day, and this may be a good thing as it gave my hip a bit of a rest!
Joshua, aka number one son, had an appointment with the consultant on Wednesday morning. His MRI had shown not obvious complications that could be causing him pain, and he was given and injection of local anaesthetic and steroids to try to break the pain cycle. This doesn't appear to have worked, and Joshua had some mild side effects on Wednesday evening which meant that Stephen had to stay at home while I went to the races!
I've never been to the races before, and was a dead loss when it came to gambling. If there had been horses running called 'Tripod' or 'Cat food' I'd have done better to put my money on them! That said, we had a lovely time, champagne, Pimms and fish 'n' chips followed by Razorlight. I as amazed at how close to the stage we got, we were about 2 or 3 people back. A fabulous evening, great company, good food and live music too!
I got home just in time to wrap presents and ice cup cakes for Kitty's birthday. I am not sure how she got to be 11, but she promises me that she is! She had a lovely day on Thursday. It was all very low key really, there was nothing that she desperately needed, so she had lots of little things to open on the day. She took cupcakes in to school for her class mates and, of course, had a big cake at home.
Thursday was also Kitty's 'Leavers' Assembly.' Hard to believe that my association with the school has now come to an end. I am no longer a parent there, so have hung up my parent governor hat as well. The assembly was lovely, if somewhat sentimental. It was marred by the discovery that the head teacher cannot seem to bring herself to say our surname. A fact that was noticed by several other parents. She read out the names of every one in the class using forename and surname, but Kitty was just Kitty! Turns out that Kitty and friends had been waiting to see if she could get her mouth around (pun intended) our surname as she 'never' says it in assemblies! I feel that I ought to write and complain, but am struggling with the wording.
Today, Friday, was her last day, or rather morning, in school. Shirts have been signed by class mates, 'phone numbers and email addresses have been swapped, tears have been shed (although not by Kitty) and a chapter in her life is over. She has so much to look forward to, as do all my children, not least the long summer holidays!
Joshua has set off to Nottingham with friends to go to Splendour (Pet Shop Boys are headlining), Kitty is off to France next week, Freddy has an intensive swimming course for 2 weeks that starts on Monday, and we are all off to Provence at the end of August! Somehow I have to find time to sort out uniforms and school stuff too. It will be nice not to be ruled by the alarm clock for a few weeks - although those of you who know me will know that the alarm clock does get set to 'sparrow fart' if I have plans for the day!
I can hear mutterings that this is supposed to be a blog about running - so here goes; I ran 4.13miles in 36.24mins, burning up 48 calories in the process. Was a lovely day to run. Cool with a light drizzle, a huge change from the recent heat and humidity. I managed to run on my own, listening to loud music and enjoying the countryside. I saw a hare in one field whose head turned to follow me as I ran past!
I've included a snap of wisteria that I took in the village today! Obviously a very confused wisteria! Still, it is lovely to look at. And whilst on the subject of photos - I apologise for the randomness of their placement on this page. They refuse to do what I tell them to do, and if I try too hard I seem to lose everything!

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