Me: Fancy a race on New Year's Eve?
Husbando: Where?
Me: Er, dunno, can't be far away 'cos a bunch of the Basingstoke guys are doing it.
Husbando: Let me think about it.
Me: Great - I've signed us both up...
Husbando: Sigh.....
So that is how I came to be sitting on a bus, with a red wine and curry hangover, en route from a park and ride to Butler's Land Farm near Reading to take part in The Gutbuster. In my defence I hadn't planned to have a hangover. I didn't think I'd had that much to drink, I certainly wasn't steaming drunk, or even properly tipsy, so the hangover was both unexpected and unwelcome. A bit of a headache is no reason not to run, especially when you have paid about £30 for the 'pleasure!'

After the run briefing, during which I wondered why I had thought the 10 mile option was better than the 10k option we were off. The first section was very muddy - I dread to think what it was like by the time the 10k race got to start - and we bimbled along as a group of about 8 or 9 of us. But we soon got separated. I was running with Husbando, all was Ok initially - we clocked a 7.40min/mile for the second mile - and then my right quad started to hurt. It had given me a bit of trouble earlier in the week, so I decided to take it easy and let Husbando go on. There was no point in pushing myself too hard.

The first 5 miles seemed really long, I was beginning to lose the will to live and thought about calling it quits, but didn't, miles 5 to 8 went by a bit faster (in my mind if not in reality) but the last 2 miles were incredibly tough. Zig-zagging through muddy fields, being able to hear the finish and not see it, then see the finish but know that there was a fair bit of zigging and zagging still to do. My watch beeped to tell me I had run 10 miles, but I still wasn't at the finish - I estimated about 400m still to do, and not a lot of time if I wanted to get home in under 1hr 40mins. I put on a burst of 'speed' turned a corner through a gate and ran up a muddy, slippery, hill (overtaking a few people on the way) to throw myself over the finish line in 1hr 39minutes. I think it is possibly the toughest race finish I have ever encountered.
Husbando was waiting by the finish - he only beat me by about 8 minutes, and whisked me away to pick up bags and get the bus back to our car before I could remember that we'd been promised mince pies and mulled wine at the finish!
So, that's 2016 done. 10 marathons completed, not bad for someone who was going to quite running marathons at the end of 2015, and 1800 miles run in total, not many PBs, but lots of fun. Looking forward to more of the same next year.
Brilliant work: you're an inspiration. I had a hard finish yesterday at a NYD parkrun when there was a patch of really slippery mud just before the finish and I had to give myself a stern talking to not to fall over!