We arrived on Thursday, and checked into my first ever AirB&B apartment - that was a slightly stressful experience - I was half convinced that we would find that there was no such apartment and that we would have nowhere to sleep that evening. As it was our apartment was there, just off av. Foch and ideally suited for our needs. After dropping off our bags we headed to the expo and picked up our race numbers and t-shirts for the Breakfast Run. Friday was spent hanging out with friends, walking about a bit and looking, anxiously, at the weather forecast.

Husbando was running his first 'proper marathon.' He'd run an accidental marathon at one of On The Whistle's events, but I have always thought that it is easier to run a lapped event, where you can stop for drinks, food, hugs, loo break, change of clothes every three or four miles than a traditional marathon. After the heat last year, I'd decided to buy ourselves a little bit of extra time in the cooler early part of the day and put us down for a totally unrealistic (for me!) time of 3hr30min, with the hope that I might get sub 4, this meant we had a start time of 8.35am. My friend, running her first ever marathon, put herself down for the 4hr30 plus pen, with a start time of 9.50am. Husbando was so excited about his big race that he set his alarm for 5.30am .... we'd decided that the two of us would need to leave at 7.50am! I set mine for 7.10am, and was ready to leave at 7.50.... Husbando was just getting dressed....We eventually left just before 8am. We got 5 steps outside the apartment before he realised that he had the wrong glasses. Argh! No matter, we were close to the start, we had enough time. We tried to get into the start pen. It was so full we couldn't get in as it was so full - it wasn't until they started moving the runners forward that we could get into the pen. I wasn't panicking, not really, but it wasn't the least stressful start to a race!
Husbando and I ran the first few miles together, it was getting warm pretty quickly. I think there may be a cheesy photo of us running and holding hands somewhere! Husbando had a pace band for four hours, and I could hear him doing the maths to work out if we could still make it. I knew we couldn't and any amount of maths on his part would not change that. I knew that I was probably being pushed on too hard and that disaster lay ahead if I carried on running with Husbando. I also didn't want to hamper his chances of getting a great marathon time. I decided to take a tactical pee break in the woods. We'd got to nearly 9 miles and we were already baking.

At some point I got it into my head that I needed to go to the loo. Probably because every single portaloo I saw on the route was padlocked closed, apart from the one that I climbed over a concrete barricade to get to at about 16 miles. That one was so disgusting that I couldn't even step inside it to use it. Ah well, I soldiered on. Then my foot started hurting. My right foot. It hurt every time I pushed off, a couple of mile later the fact that I was obviously 'running funny' meant that my hamstring was making its presence felt. At 18 miles (ish) we ran under a pedestrian bridge that had a load of people touting trade for (I think) the Chicago marathon. The noise there was phenomenal, and slightly scary. I began to panic about my ability to run London if it was going to be this noisy.... and would my foot even work? At this point I popped into a cafe and asked if I could use their toilet. Amazingly they said yes, but that the toilet was upstairs. I went up, locked the door and burst into tears. I looked at my garmin, it said I'd done 19.69 miles, so I sent a text to the three friends who were with me in Paris, saying that I had 7 miles to go (overestimating the distance I thought) that I was in pain, and that I might have to walk the last 7 miles. You can imagine how awful I felt when I'd been running a bit longer and got to the 19 mile marker! (My watch at this point read 19.75miles!)
I did some maths, calculated that I was walking at about 15min/mile pace, and that I wasn't prepared to be out there for another hour and three quarters, so I was just going to have to suck it up and at least run part of the way. So that's what I did. More rude runners, very hot sunshine, minimal support where it was really needed in the last stages through the Bois de Boulogne made this a less than joyful experience. I was just glad to finish. Husbando had finished about 20 minutes ahead of me, having struggled in the heat too.

We took our medals out for supper - the best steak frites we've had in long time, before collapsing into bed. Some of us will run another marathon, one of us says she won't but I doubt any of us will be in a hurry to enter Paris next year!
Massively well done to you all, esp your friend, from a 6 hour 1 minute marathoner in a hot one herself.