Husbando and I were staying in London so at least we wouldn't have to get up at sparrow fart in order for me to get to Greenwich Park for the start. As an added bonus, the hotel we stayed in had decided to start their breakfast service early so that the marathon runners could eat before heading off. I felt grim, couldn't taste my breakfast and swallowing toast felt like swallowing razor blades, but the only option I had was to run.... A 10am start to the race made for a leisurely start to the day. It felt odd travelling to the start by myself - but there were plenty of other runners to chat to. The Red Start was enormous, but once I'd located the loos, the baggage wagons and the start pens I was much happier. The loo queues were something else! From the end of the queues the loos weren't even visible!

As it was, I saw Husbando with the Fetchpoint guys at around 14 miles, but there were on the other side of the road with the fast runners already coming back, so I plodded on! At some point, I think about 16 miles, I did drop down to the 9/1 strategy, but got bored and managed to blast out two fast miles (8.02 and 9.09 minutes). There was no way I could manage to run that fast for much longer today, but I wanted to see if I could manage it. Probably a silly thing to do, but it was fun.
I'd been anticipating that Canary Wharf would be quiet, and was quite looking forward to a respite, but there were crowds EVERYWHERE! The noise was intense at times, the only quiet(ish) sections were in the tunnels. I chatted to a few other runners, at one point telling everyone around me that I'd just had kittens! It isn't often that you get a text with the single word KITTENS while you are running a marathon. Another time, while talking, briefly, to a friend who was speeding ahead, a man said 'I just want to thank you for running for Treloar's - my son is starting there in September.' He was running for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and (I think) wearing a cape. There were very few of us running for Treloar's so the chances of the two of us bumping into each other were tiny.
At around 22 miles I was back at Fetchpoint to say hello to everyone, scarf down some cocktail sausages, hug Husbando and thank that Fetcheveryone community for the generous fundraising donation that made my run possible. There was not far to go now, but after being virtually spot on for the first 9 miles, my Garmin was wildly out now, it was reading up to half a mile more than the markers on the road said I'd run, and it seemed to me that the difference was just increasing as time went on. I'd been hearing 'Toria' screamed at me almost constantly, so when I heard 'Victoria' shouted at around 25 miles I figured that it must be someone who actually knew me... I turned and saw a familiar face, ran back (not far - only a couple of metres) and gave him a hug. I then realised that, yes I did know him, but possibly giving your Head of Year a hot and sweaty hug is not quite the done thing! Sorry! Still, it cheered me up no end to see him, and then another parkrun friend a few hundred yards later.

I trundled through the process of getting medals, t-shirts and retrieving my kit bag. I'd got my medal and walked (hobbled?) on when the woman behind me squealed. I turned back and realised that the bloke handing out the medals, who had looked a little familiar, was Prince William! Now that is a selfie opportunity I well and truly missed! As I passed the baggage lorries I saw friends from my local running club - fabulous to say hello!
I made my way back to the hotel, Husbando had organised late check out, so I could have a shower and change before driving home. What a brilliant idea that was! All in all, a brilliant day out!
Huge thanks to everyone who has donated to Treloar's Trust, donations are still welcome... https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/MrsBridgewater1?utm_medium=email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign=20170303_96877
So glad you had a good day. I was really worried you'd hate it after your messages about deferring, and after Paris that was the last thing you'd want. Your watch probably went out at docklands. It's always fun seeing that tracks going through the buildings afterwards. Anyway, just glad you had a good London. It's a great event when you can enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteOh, I hadn't realised you were doing it, was tracking all my club pals. Have just put in the ballot for next year having heard from a friend who'd never fancied it that it was ace. Well done you. Hilarious about Prince William!