After unloading a car load of book at the Assembly Rooms I headed off to find a parkrun. I'd run at Bath Skyline a couple of times, so thought that a bit of variety was called for... the choice was between Southwick Country Park and Pomphrey Hill, and as one of those has 'hill' in the title I decided to go to Southwick. In my haste to get dressed I had put together a natty ensemble of my 250 top and the peacock leggings I should have worn at the Larmer Tree Marathon. This winning combination proved quite a talking point. I had several people ask if I'd done Larmer - because there can be no other reason for buying peacock leggings, and many comments about my 250 shirt. That was quite a novelty, I think that in Hampshire/Surrey/London we see so many of them that we begin to forget that it takes quite a long time to earn one!

Anyway, to the run. It was a special one today. Two parkrun regulars were getting married. The happy couple ran the first lap, then jumped into a car, along with friends and supporters, to go to the local register office, got married and then came back to run a freedom parkrun before retiring to the cafe for cake and celebrations. Congratulations to Sarah & James!
The course is two and three quarter laps, all on nice firm gravelly paths, I can imagine they get a bit puddly in the wet weather but this morning they were nice and dry - my trail shoes were not needed. It was fairly flat, just 108ft of elevation, a welcome change from Alice Holt parkrun, with a downhill to the finish. Because I am running like a pregnant donkey at the moment and a three legged one at that, I decided that I'd take it easy and just keep the 26 minute pacer in my sight. I kept pace with him most of the way, asking him where the statue I'd heard so much about was (I'd just run past it!), before deciding that the legs needed a wee bit of a stretch as I approached the finish.
This was a lovely, friendly, parkrun. I didn't go to the cafe afterwards as I had to get back to Bath but I have no doubt that much fun would have been had there too!
I love it that you're known for your peacock leggings! One of my friends once spotted my running club's logo tattooed onto a fellow-runner's calf and asked him if he knew me (he did). I've volunteered at parkrun 76 times and have rarely seen a 250 shirt, so that's certainly a talking point.