Safely at the start line, we looked at the ground. Mud! And lots of it. We collected our race numbers, chatted to people we knew and listened to the race briefing. I have run a couple of 10 mile runs in the last two weeks, so I was fairly confident that a half marathon would be fine. Four laps would be child's play. I had no desire to do any more than that. Of we set - a downhill start and it was slightly muddy underfoot, but we were soon on a fairly good trail path through the woods - if it was all like this it was going to be easy. It lasted less than half a mile before reverting to sandy paths covered with a thin layer of rapidly melting snow, a thin layer of rapidly melting snow that I feel I should add was up hill in places! Not hugely uphill - but with the sand underfoot it was energy sapping work.
With the passing of laps, the remaining ice melted more, feet churned up the ground and it was a little like running through a thick, cold soup! The conditions underfoot were possibly the most challenging I have run through, there were just so many different types of shoe grabbing, slippery, slidey slurry and sand to run though that I felt I was constantly having to concentrate on what I was doing. There were a few bits of dry sand - but that just stuck to the mud on my shoes and added a bit more mass and removed a bit of grip! After the first lap I decided to take it easy. Run a bit, walk a bit, stop for a chat with anyone I fancied a chat with - try and spot some bats (they live in specially constructed structures on the Inclosure) and, er, enjoy the morning!
I stopped after four laps. I had plenty of time to carry on and do a few more, but 13.1 miles is my longest run this year so far, and I wanted to stop while I was still, just about, enjoying myself! I ran up the last slope and rang the bell - almost skidding as I came to a halt. I collected my medal, put on some warm layers and chatted while I waited for my friend to finish.
Excellent organisation - as ever - from On The Whistle, and a chance to be the first organised even in the Hogmore Inclosure! I shall look forward to coming back when parkrun starts here (is starts next Saturday, but I won't be able to make it for the first couple of weeks). It might be drier under foot then too!
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