We have had our best food day of the trip today. Breakfast at Weruweru Lodge was followed by planning and team building activities. It is very liberating to be on a trip where the planning isn't down to me. The boys are responsible, we just offer support and encouragement. It is a slow process though, but hopefully getting quicker. After lunch, washed down with some of the strongest coffee known to man we boarded our safari vehicles and headed off to a campsite near the Ngorogoro Crater.
After yesterday the thought of a 5 hour journey should have filled us with dread, but the group in our Land Cruiser had a very silly time telling jokes and singing songs. Things were not going so well in the other tent as one of the boys was struck by a migraine. Bad enough to suffer from one at home, but so far from home and with the prospect of a night in a tent it must be hellish for him.
What was amazing was to hear the rest of the group expressing their worry for him, and their appreciation of everything he does for the team. We all have everything crossed that he will be fit and well tomorrow.

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