Sunday 15 September 2024

Camino Day 21: Hospital de Orbigo to Murias de Rechivaldo

 Up early this morning and, for once, I got breakfast before I left!  The Albergue had a ‘donativo’ breakfast laid out on the table, so I toasted some bread, had a little cheese (from the fridge) and a yogurt before putting a few euros in the donation box and making my way.  When I started out sunrise was at 7.24am, today it was 8.04am.  First light is a wee bit earlier, but it does lead to head torch anxiety.  I try to use it as little as possible and am always relieved when it is light enough not to need it any longer. 

Today my plan was to walk into Astorga, have a look around and then walk ‘about 5km’ beyond the city to give me a 20km day.  I was nervous as my ‘other leg’ had decided to join the shin splint pity party.  I’d iced it last night, strapped it up, done all the stretches but it was with a sense of trepidation that I got out of bed this morning.  Only to find that everything felt fine.  I think it was the right decision not to go for a longer distance today though.  And I may never remove the tape from either leg - just in case!

I’ve left the Meseta behind now, and there is a welcome return of hills and trees!  It makes the walking more interesting both in terms of views and muscles used! I stopped for coffee on the way and arrived in Astorga a little before 9.30am.  I feel that this city doesn’t get its fair share of acclaim in comparison to Pamplona, Burgos and Leon.  It is a beautiful city.  The Cathedral has a very pretty façade and the Gaudi Palace is stunning both inside and outside. I had my first encounter with busegrinos - a group travelling by coach from city to city to complete their Camino all organised by a tour company on behalf of their church group.

From Astorga it was a short hop to Murias de Rechivaldo, although the Albergue I was booked into was, teasingly, at the far end of the village!  I’ve done my chores (laundry, plan for tomorrow) and am about to sit and relax in the gorgeous courtyard.

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