Monday 2 September 2024

Camino Day 8

 I should have known that it was going to be one of ‘those’ days when, at 6km into my walk today, not a single cafe was open.  If I was in any doubt, at 13km, when I did find a coffee shop and clearly asked for ‘cafe sin leche’ and the coffee arrived con leche any notion that everything was going to be a breeze should have taken flight.

I have walked out of vineyard country today. This combined with lots of low lying cloud and dual carriageways adjacent to the path resulted in less than inspiring views.  On the plus side it wasn’t too hot.  I made fairly good time, chatting with people for a while before our paces meant we drifted apart, and arriving in Belorado half an hour before the Albergue opened.  There is a festival in Belorado this week - which means that everywhere is busier than normal.  I’d booked ahead, which up to now has guaranteed me a bottom bunk - but not today.  I’ve promised myself a hotel in Burgos - I’m looking forward to it a lot!

After a quick shower I dashed out to the grocery store to get a pack of frozen peas.  My right ankle is a bit achey and swollen so thought that ice might help.  From there to the nearest ATM.  It is amazing how many places here do not accept cards, or have quite a high minimum spend.  I’ve got so used to not carrying cash that having to remember to get some is quite a novelty.  I’d already used my card over here, in ATMs and in shops, so was quite shocked when it was blocked.  I tried again, same result.  I ‘phoned my bank - I felt like I was on the ‘phone for ages before getting to talk to a human who could see no reason for the decline.  I was put through to the fraud department, who could see no reason for the decline - or even that any transaction had been attempted.  They then asked about the ATM, so I told them it was in a bank foyer, that it was yellow (apparently not a relevant fact) and that it was contactless plus PIN.  Apparently this is not supported by my bank - so I had to go and find a more traditional ATM!  

Back to the Albergue for lunch,  goat cheese salad and a beer.  Luckily I spotted the walnuts that were not mentioned on the menu before I tucked in!

This afternoon, what is left of it, will be a repeat of yesterday- snoozing on my bed until the pilgrim supper then kit organisation and an early night


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