Friday 27 September 2024

Ultreia et Suseia Day 3: Logoso to Finistera

 We both slept late this morning.  Partly in the hope that our clothes and shoe might dry before we left (they didn’t) and partly because we could!  Beth left a few minutes before I planned to (I was busy re tapping my legs), as I picked up my rucksack the heavens opened.  This was not what we wanted - the forecast had said it wouldn’t rain! I decided to wait to see if the shower would pass - and within 10 minutes it did.

Despite the extra sleep, I felt weary today.  Maybe putting on wet kit two days running is the reason, but I know I have been walking quite long distances over the last few days, I’ve not had any shorter days.  Still tomorrow is my last day walking.  I’ve got an Albergue booked for tomorrow evening, so I don’t need to worry about how long I take, then on Sunday it will be a bus ride back to Santiago. 

Soon after the start of today’s walk the path splits - as I looked at the sign I wondered why I had chosen Finistera rather than Muxia to go to first!  

Today it was lovely to walk in the sunshine.  I could actually see the sunrise for the first time in a while and the warmth was very welcome.  It was 16km to breakfast, which was quite a big undertaking, and there was only toast on offer.  The host was very friendly though, and offered me extra toast. I couldn’t hold out for the next cafe - just in case it was several kilometres further down the trail.

The Camino here is beautiful, especially when you get the first glimpses of the sea! I love the sound and smell of the sea, not so mad on sand and beaches though.  There are far fewer people walking compared to the Camino Frances - especially compared to the bedlam of the Camino after Sarria.  There is also the novelty of seeing pilgrims walking in the opposite direction from time to time.  

I arrived in Finistera at about 1.30pm.  It seems that, what ever distance I walk and whatever time I leave, I always arrive between 12.30 and 1.30pm!  But arriving in the town of Finistera wasn’t the end of my walk.  I needed to get to Faro de Finistera, 3.5km beyond the town.  I checked into my accommodation first, leaving my back pack and poles there.  It felt odd to walk without them - and left my hands free to eat an ice cream.

The walk up to the lighthouse was beautiful - views of forest and sea.  I was looking for a traditional lighthouse in the distance - but the Faro lighthouse is not a tall white building (even if the fridge magnets and road signs depict it as such).  I wandered around at the ‘end of the world,; sat on the rocks looking at the view and, of course, ordered a beer before walking back into the town to meet Beth for supper.

As we were at the sea side fish and chips were the order of the day, along with a weapons grade G&T before returning to the ice cream shop to pudding! 

Back in my accommodation, I think that most of my clothing is now dry = or will be by the morning.  Just one more day of walking!  Tomorrow will be along the coast to Muxia.  I am too chicken to look at the weather forecast!

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